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Stanford Solar Decathlon House

Since the open house tours of the 2013 Stanford Solar Decathlon Start.Home, it has become more than a demonstration project; it is now home to the Jasper Ridge resident ranger and his family. They will provide further testing of the SSDH’s sustainability and comfort. While they are living there, tours of the SSDH will not be part of our regular tour program. It will be available for touring only under special arrangement. In a few years, the the SSDH will become a residence for visiting researchers and scholars working in the preserve.

2013 Stanford Solar Decathlon Team


Stanford student talks about new JR solar home at TEDx

The Stanford Solar Decathlon home -- designed and built by a team of Stanford students and part of a nationwide competition -- is coming to Jasper Ridge as the future home of the resident ranger family. Derek Ouyang, the student project manager, appeared at a recent TEDx talk to share the team's vision for the home they are building. 

See a video of the full talk at YouTube