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Lerner, Amy (1998) The effects of sedimentation on riparian plant diversity, density, and richness at Searsville Lake. Independent project paper for Bio 181 (Field Ecology), Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University.

Year Published: 1998

Riparian woodlands are capable of disturbance from floods and sedimentation. Searsville Lake in Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve is rapidly being filled with sediment, giving way to a riparian woodland which I studied to see how the massive sedimentation is affecting plant diversity. Results showed that there was little significance between distance from the lake and plant species diversity, percent ground cover, and types of species. Canopy density was significantly greater toward the lake, however, showing that plant growth was denser in newer soil and as plants established themselves they dispersed. The varied results could be a reflection of the massive floods this winter, small sample size, and my sampling so close to the rainy season.

Article Title: 
The effects of sedimentation on riparian plant diversity, density, and richness at Searsville Lake
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