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Ranger Program

The Ranger program at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve is an opportunity for students and community members to participate in protecting the Preserve.

Rangers patrol the perimeter and trail system of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve on mountain bikes. The Ranger Program encourages all interested persons to apply for positions.

Applications are accepted anytime, however the primary selection and training occurs at the beginning of Fall quarter each academic year.

Applications are only available from the Resident Ranger.

General Information

The Ranger Program was initiated to protect the integrity of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. Several times daily, Rangers patrol the perimeter fence and the more than 20 miles of trails and roads on mountain bikes provided and maintained by the Preserve. Mountain bikes are used because of their mobility, stealth, and low impact; they are the most efficient and least disruptive vehicles for maintaining security. Rangers are not enforcement, but as the eyes and ears of Jasper Ridge they check all gates, facilities, and trails daily to insure that the living laboratory that is the Preserve is not disturbed.

The Rangers interact with all members of the Jasper Ridge community and check the permit status of those they encounter in the Preserve. Rangers document and report any security problems or hazards and fill out a detailled log for each patrol. The program is managed by the Resident Ranger who oversees up to 8 volunteer or federal work study rangers per quarter.

Rangers are drawn primarily from Stanford University's Outdoor, Environmental, and Cycling clubs, from the Earth Systems and Biology programs, from the JRBP Docent Program, and include both graduate and undergraduate students, staff, alumni, and affiliates.


Rangers must be reliable, self-confident, and have the ability to ride a mountain bike on challenging terrain. An interest in natural history, and knowledge of bike repair and first aid are desirable.


The main gate to Jasper Ridge is approximately 5.5 miles from the quad at 4001 Sand Hill Road. The gate is 2 miles west of Highway 280, and 100 yards north from the intersection of Portola Road.

Volunteer/Federal Work Study

Most Rangers work as volunteers. If the student is qualified for federal work study, they will be compensated at the high end of the current pay scale.

Job Requirements


Rangers may patrol up to 3 times per week, with a minimum of 2 patrols per week for the first two quarters. Patrols are entirly optional during finals and breaks, and suspended during severe weather conditions. There are 2 patrols scheduled per day. Each patrol is 2 hours long. Patrols must be ridden on a mountain bike. Walking or running patrols is not permitted. Rangers need to provide their own helmets, gloves, and eye protection.


Rangers are required to attend one meeting each quarter. A bike workshop may be also be required. The Fall Quarter Orientation Meeting is approximately on the 4th weekend after the quarter starts. Failure to attend the Fall meeting is cause for dismissal from the program.

Work Days

Rangers may be asked to attend a work day. Workdays are offered each quarter and may involve trail maintenance and construction,  invasive plant removal, material handling, trash pickup, or creek cleanup.

Trial Period

New Rangers are hired on a trial basis. The trial period is 5 weeks from your patrol orientation.

Applications and Contact Information

If you have any questions or application requests, contact the Resident Ranger, Brooke Fabricant, at 224-3780 or at

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