Data Policy
What Data is Available?
Through the efforts of staff members, docents, students and other volunteers, a variety of data relating to the Preserve are collected, maintained and made available to interested parties. Databases include bird counts (points and transects), plants, and incidental species. The Preserve also maintains collections of aerial photos and spatial data (GIS/GPS) for mapping and analysis purposes. Weather and water quality data are also available.
Who Can Use the Data?
Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve data holdings are available to professional researchers, students, interested individuals, institutions and organizations that reflect the Preserve's mission "to contribute to the understanding of the Earth's natural systems through research, education, and protection of the Preserve's resources."
How Does One Get Access to the Data?
To gain access to the data, all interested parties must first submit a Research Application. The application is reviewed by JRBP staff and then, if approved, the applicant is notified and granted access to the data. Submission of the online form does not guarantee that the applicant will be allowed to use the data. Once the research application has been approved, the applicant may access the data either online or in person. Most of the data is available online, although some data sets may need to be copied to CD/DVD ROM and shipped.
Data from Researchers Working at JRBP
Data associated with the various research projects at JRBP are the property of the Principal Investigators (PI) for those projects. When outside parties want to use the data for analysis and/or publication, they can only do so with the permission of the owner. Owners can be contacted via Jasper Ridge staff.
For more information, contact:
Adriana Hernandez
JRBP Assoc. Dir. for Research
Public Data
- Weather Data – Weather resources for JRBP.
- Research Projects – Database containing descriptions and photos of current research projects at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve.
- Research Publications – Database of published papers and other publications relating to JRBP.
- Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Serpentine Flora : vascular plants NEW!
- Species Lists – Links to lists of animal and plant species found at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. Photos available for most plants.
- Live Audio Stream – Listen to live bird and environmental sounds via streaming audio from Jasper Ridge.
JRBP Affiliates Data (Password Required)
- Tours and Events Calendar – Information about upcoming tours, events and room reservations at JRBP.
- Bird Census – Expert bird observations (points and transects) from 1998 to the present within JRBP
- Brown Bag Lecture Videos - Recorded presentations of researchers discussing their work at Jasper Ridge and beyond.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data
- Aerial Photos – Orthorectified aerials photos of JRBP and adjacent areas. Earliest photo is from 1928 and most recent is from 2023.
- GIS Base Data – Vegetation, hydrography, elevation, geology, roads and trails, structures, etc. To obtain GIS data, please submit a data request via the Research Application.