Dr. Laureano Gherardi, Assistant Professor, Dept of Environmental Science, Policy & Management, University of California - Berkeley Grassland Ecology Upside Down: A roadmap to belowground processes Grasslands are not just seas of swaying grass; their real complexity lies beneath the surface. This talk flips our perspective, shifting the focus from aboveground plant dynamics to the hidden world of roots, microbes,... more
Chinmay Sonawane, Ph.D. Candidate, Biology, Stanford University Pumas trigger a trophic cascade in a human-dominated landscape Large predators can shape ecosystems by reducing prey abundance and inducing fear-driven changes in the behavior of their prey and smaller predators, which may consequently affect lower trophic levels. However, these natural chains of influence, known as trophic cascades, have mostly been studied in... more
Prescribed Fire Research Convening Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma) will be hosting a convening for prescribed fire research. Almost one year after the pile burns, the convening will include research presentations and a panel session with faculty, for the community to gain new insights on pile burn research. To RSVP please fill out this form . Prescribed Fire Research... more
Katie Glover, Ph.D., Associate Director for Environmental Education, Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Oothcamin 'Ooyakma) Exploring the Past and Future of California’s Ecosystems California’s iconic landscapes and vegetation communities have long been shaped by dynamic climate and terrestrial processes. Often, changes in these forces can push an ecosystem transition into a different, yet stable, state. In this talk, I will draw... more
Canvasback (Aythya valisineria) picture by Peter Hart 2024 JASPER RIDGE HOLIDAY PARTY Wednesday, December 11th, 2024 4:00 to 6:30 PM Sun Field Station, JRBP('O'O) Come experience our new foyer / lobby area and our under construction natural history teaching collection! Share your 2024 memories with our community over a beverage, holiday cookies, and more! What to bring? Beverages, your favorite... more
Before They Vanish Saving Nature's Populations — and Ourselves Paul R. Ehrlich, Gerardo Ceballos, Rodolfo Dirzo WATCH THE VIDEO RECORDING OF THE EVENT HERE Book Launch Event of "Before They Vanish, Saving Nature's Populations and Ourselves". Thursday Nov 21, 2024 at 4 PM Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma) Can we save threatened species and ecosystems amid a mass extinction?... more
Lauren Esposito, Ph.D., Curator and Schlinger Chair of Arachnology, California Academy of Sciences Arachnids (scorpions, spiders, and their kin) are an enigmatic group of animals: though recognized and feared by all, there are many aspects of their basic biology that remain a mystery. These unique creatures are found worldwide from the highest mountains to deserts to deep cenote caves 600... more
Photo by Rick Morris Tadashi Fukami, Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Earth System Science, Faculty Director of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma) Almost all species of plants whose flowers contain nectar host microorganisms like bacteria and yeasts in the nectar. Initially free of microbes, floral nectar gets its microbial inhabitants from bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other flower-visiting animals as... more
Join us to celebrate the graduation of new Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve 'Ootchamin 'Ooyakma class of 2024 docents! Graduation Ceremony and Community Picnic! Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve - 'Ootchamin 'Ooyakma Join us to celebrate, welcome and meet the new graduates and docents from the BIO / ESYS 105 Ecology and Natural History of Jasper Ridge classes of 2024 Where: Jasper... more
Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ( ' Ootchamin ' Ooyakma ) 50 th Anniversary Symposium April 15, 2024 CLICK HERE TO READ THE BLOG AND WATCH THE VIDEO 8:30-9:00 Reception and breakfast 9:00-9:05 Welcome, Tadashi Fukami, Faculty Director, and Jorge Ramos, Executive Director 9:05-9:20 Remarks, Muwekma Ohlone Tribal members Session 1: Humans as part of nature 9:20-9:35 Laura Jones, University Archaeologist,... more