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Jasper Ridge Stewardship Interns

Apply to be Stewardship Interns at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma)!



The Stewardship Intern Program is an opportunity for Stanford students to work at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma) to further develop existing skills in ecology, natural history and field work, while learning about stewardship and research under the mentorship of a diverse team of scientists.

Student sampling grasslands under a valley oakThe two interns will join the team and work with Jasper Ridge staff, fellow interns, faculty and docents to support expanding stewardship efforts at JRBP for land management, protecting biodiversity, and developing resilience in response to climate change. The role will include a mix of field and office work. Field work responsibilities will include working outdoors in a team to collect data related to wildfire resiliency and watershed restoration. Data measurements and samples collected will include: diversity and abundance of vegetation in multiple native ecosystems (oak woodland, chaparral, and grasslands), characterizing vegetative fuels, soil and vegetation moisture, water samples, camera trap data, and animal burrows. Office responsibilities will include mentor-guided literature review and synthesis, data entry, mapping, brief presentations, and organization of field equipment.

Interns will learn to work with increased independence through the summer, gain experience working in a biological preserve setting, and develop an understanding of how research, education, and stewardship are interconnected. Interns will be encouraged to complete and present an independent project related to research, education, or stewardship under the mentorship of Jasper Ridge staff, faculty, and docents. Overall, the outcomes of this internship will directly support land management and stewardship efforts at Jasper Ridge, and interns may have the opportunity to continue their involvement in long-term research.

The Stewardship Intners are partially funded by the Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation.

Meet the JRBP ('O'O) Stewardship Interns!

2024: Nick Rodriguez and John Lowndes.

2023: Kiara Fufunan and Mary Ghebreselassie


Work Hours / Duration
-The internship program extends from Monday, June 23 to Thursday, August 28, 2025.
-Interns are expected to work on-site at Jasper Ridge Monday through Thursday (with Fridays off) for 8-hour days.
-Hours may vary to reduce field work in extreme heat, but will not extend beyond 7am to 5pm (exact schedule will be discussed with selected interns).
-The Jasper Ridge internship program is internally funded by Stanford and is intended for Stanford undergraduate students only.
-Co-term MS or MA students may be supported only if their undergraduate degree will not be conferred before the conclusion of the project.
-This internship is in-person and requires a full ten-week commitment.
Preferred Skills and Physical Requirements:
-The ideal candidates will have experience staying organized and be comfortable doing a mix of field and office work (sometimes under hot summer conditions and starting early to avoid extreme heat).
-Previous field experience is not required but interns should feel comfortable working outside with potential exposure to heat, poison oak, and ticks. If requested, interns can be provided field gear such as boots, coveralls, reusable water bottles, etc.
-Mobility on rough trails and rough terrain with no trails
-Ability to carry/lift/push/pull objects that weigh up to 40 pounds
-Frequent standing, walking, sitting, grasping lightly/fine manipulation, performing desk-based computer tasks
-Ability to present information and communicate with others.
Stipend Amount
-Stipends are awarded at $7500 for a full ten-week (Monday-Thursday) commitment, paid the first week of the internship.
-Housing is not provided, so eligible students must have secure housing on campus or be able to commute to Jasper Ridge. (Consider opinions for on-campus housing through programs such as R&DE)
-Interns may use personal vehicles to travel to Jasper Ridge (approximately 4 miles from campus) or may use a Jasper Ridge vehicle to travel between campus and the preserve (a valid driver license and approval by Stanford University is required). ​
Application Process and Deadlines
-Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. Please email your completed application materials to Dr. Jorge Ramos (jramosh "at" and Dr. Sheena Sidhu (cssidhu "at" with email subject: “2025 Stewardship Intern Program”.
-Top candidates will be invited for a 45-minute Zoom interview.
-Final candidates will be informed of selection before May 10.
Please submit a 2 page max. application which includes both completed sections detailed below: I) Personal Information, and II) Short essay.
I. Personal information (1 page max)
1. First Name, Last Name
2. Email address
3. Student ID number
4. Phone number
5. Is your permanent home address in California? Yes or No
6. Do you have a driver license: Yes or No
7. If yes, is it a California driver license: Yes or No
8. Current overall GPA
9. Current Class level (co-terms are eligible)
10. Major (if undeclared, state intended major)
11. List relevant classes which you have taken or intend to take during your career at Stanford.
12. Have you secured housing for the summer or have plans to secure housing? Please explain in 1-2 sentences.
13. Do you have a reliable means of transportation to Jasper Ridge for the duration of the internship? If not, will you complete a background check and training to use a Jasper Ridge vehicle for travel between campus and the preserve (valid driver license required)? Please explain in 1-2 sentences.
14. Please provide the information of one reference (letters of recommendation are not accepted). Include: Name, Email, Phone number, and one sentence about your relationship with your reference (how do you know them and for how long?). ​
II. Please address the two points below in one short essay (1 page max):
1. Interest: Explain why you want to participate in the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Stewardship Intern Program, and what you hope to learn from the experience. Please include your short- and long-term goals.
2. Experience: Describe 1-2 previous work/research/extracurricular experiences that you found interesting or used skills which would be relevant to being successful in this internship program.