Research Access
Researchers should submit individual permit applications and proposals at least four weeks in advance to study the serpentine grassland, and at least two weeks in advance for work in other communities. Preserve staff must approve all research proposals before work begins.
The Associate Director for Research carries out a review of applications to ensure that proposed projects will neither conflict with ongoing work nor compromise the integrity of the Preserve or the future health of its habitats. In addition, for each proposal, we ask "Will the study...
1. Contribute to fundamental scientific knowledge through well-designed experiments whose results are intended for peer review and dissemination, or through development of new scientific techniques?
2. Extend JRBP contributions by being part of inter-site comparisons or larger surveys, or by serving as a reference site for resource protection elsewhere?
3. Utilize JRBP in a compellingly beneficial way, e.g., by furthering the conservation or education mission, diversifying the scientific community, taking advantage of site history or previous research, or enhancing local support?
4. Deposit data to an accessible repository after a reasonable time and/or curate samples for future research value?
Projects that involve experimental manipulations are reviewed on a case-by-case basis; in general, manipulations must be small in scale and/or effect. To lessen impacts to the serpentine grassland and other sensitive areas, research policies emphasize the use of less intrusive field markers and techniques, replacing them where possible by remote approaches.
The review also addresses a number of compliance requirements.