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Head MJ, Steffen W, Fagerlind D, Waters CN, Poirier C, Syvitski J, Zalasiewicz JA, Barnosky AD, Cearreta A, Jeandel C, Leinfelder R. The Great Acceleration is real and provides a quantitative basis for the proposed Anthropocene Series/Epoch. Episodes Journal of International Geoscience. 2021 Nov 15.
Head MJ, Zalasiewicz JA, Waters CN, Turner SD, Williams M, Barnosky AD, Steffen W, Wagreich M, Haff PK, Syvitski J, Leinfelder R. 2022. The Anthropocene is a prospective epoch/series, not a geological event. Episodes Journal of International Geoscience.
Williams M, Leinfelder R, Barnosky AD, Head MJ, McCarthy FM, Cearreta A, Himson S, Holmes R, Waters CN, Zalasiewicz J, Turner S. Planetary‐scale change to the biosphere signalled by global species translocations can be used to identify the Anthropocene. Palaeontology. 2022 Jul;65(4):e12618.
Zalasiewicz J, Waters CN, Ellis EC, Head MJ, Vidas D, Steffen W, Thomas JA, Horn E, Summerhayes CP, Leinfelder R, McNeill JR, Galuszka A, Williams M, Barnosky AD, Richter DB, Gibbard PL, Syvitski J, Jeandel C, Cearreta A, Cundy AB, Fairchild IJ, Rose NL, do Sul JAI, Shotyk W, Turner S, Wagreich M, Zinke J (2021) The Anthropocene: comparing its meaning in geology (chronostratigraphy) with conceptual approaches arising in other disciplines. Earth's Future 9(3):e2020EF001896. The Anthropocene: comparing its meaning in geology (chronostratigraphy) with conceptual approaches arising in other...
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Vidas D, Zalasiewicz J, Steffen W, Hancock T, Anthony Barnosky A, Summerhayes C, Waters C. 2019. The Utility of Formalisation of the Anthropocene for Science. In: Zalasiewicz J, Waters C, Williams M, Summerhayes C, eds. The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit: A Guide to the Scientific Evidence and Current Debate. 31-40.
Williams M, Zalasiewicz J, Aldridge D, Waters C, Bault V, Head M, Barnosky A. 2019. The Biostratigraphic Signal of the Neobiota. In: Zalasiewicz J, Waters C, Williams M, Summerhayes C, eds. The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit: A Guide to the Scientific Evidence and Current Debate. 119-27.