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A researcher measures wing traits of a Swainson's thrush (Catharus ustulatus)


This project is part of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus), an international collaborative research network that leverages radio signaling to track and monitor migratory animals. 

Sampling treehole mosquitoes with a turkey baster


This study examines the western treehole mosquito Aedes sierrensis and its facultative parasite Lambornella clarki as a model system for studying climate change effects on host-parasite interactions. 

Soil gas sampling to determine soil hydrogen concentrations


In the search for clean, renewable energy sources, one might not think to look within a biological preserve.  However, JRBP’s serpentinite bedrock—the substrate that gives rise to serpentine wildflower displays—may help explain a major source of natural, clean-burning hydrogen.  Serpentinization

Graphical illustration of experimental design for study of oak seedling establishment


The purpose of this project is to improve the science underpinning conservation and restoration practices in oak savannas of California and other areas with a similar Mediterranean climate.  California’s oak savannas and open woodlands are diverse ecosystems and valuable cultural landscapes.  How
