Oaks of central California vary considerably in acorn production from year to year, making them good candidates for determining what factors regulate acorn production and whether trees are synchronized in the ups and downs of their acorn yield.
During the summer of 2009 Rodolfo Dirzo began a long term study of the impact of herbivory by large mammals, principally deer and rabbits, on 3 oak species. For the study, Rodolfo identified 75 pairs of oak seedlings for each of 3 species: Quercus agrifolia, Q.lobata, and Q.
A very precise and accurate GPS (global positioning system) can be vital to understanding earthquake hazards because it can reveal information that is invisible to seismometers--crustal movement that occurs over long time scales and is associated with crustal deformation and buildup of strain alo
San Francisquito Creek begins in JRBP at the confluence of Bear Creek and the outflow from Searsville Lake. It flows more than 12 miles to the Bay and is unchannelized for nearly half its length.
For plants, the soil environment is a major habitat factor and can be extremely important in plant speciation. Jasper Ridge is home to an extensive serpentine outcrop occupied by two superficially indistinguishable species of Lasthenia(Asteraceae), L. californica and L. gracilis.
In the search for clean, renewable energy sources, one might not think to look within a biological preserve. However, JRBP’s serpentinite bedrock—the substrate that gives rise to serpentine wildflower displays—may help explain a major source of natural, clean-burning hydrogen. Serpentinization
A prominent feature along Trail 1 is the site where the Zoology Cabin once stood, now marked by the remains of the fireplace that was at the rear of the cabin.
Drought in California and much of the western United States has been severe enough over the last two decades to be considered a mega-drought, possibly the worst in a millenium. Prolonged drought such as this reduces agricultural yields, and increases forest mortality and wildfire risk. Despite
Cases of tick-borne disease are on the rise in the US as ticks are expanding their distributions, and new tick species are introduced.
California’s mining and industrial history have led to an excessive build-up of mercury in the Bay Area. As one of the top ten pollutants of the world, this toxic heavy metal has troubling implications for human and environmental health.