2023 Jasper Ridge Stewardship Internship Program
Apply to be Stewardship Interns at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve!
The two interns will join the team and work with Jasper Ridge staff, faculty and docents to support expanding stewardship efforts at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve for, land management, protecting biodiversity, and developing resiliency for climate change. The role will include a mix of field and office work. Field work responsibilities will include working outdoors in a team to collect data related to vegetation management for wildfire resiliency, and watershed restoration. Data measurements to be collected: diversity and abundance of vegetation in multiple native ecosystems (oak woodland, chaparral, and grasslands), characterizing vegetative fuels, soil and vegetation moisture, camera traps, and animal burrows. Office responsibilities will include mentor-guided literature review and synthesis, data entry, mapping, brief presentations, and organization of field equipment.
This is an opportunity to further develop existing skills in ecology, natural history and field work, while learning about stewardship and research under the mentorship of a diverse team of scientists. The ideal candidates will have experience staying organized and be comfortable doing a mix of field and office work (sometimes under hot summer conditions or starting early to avoid extreme heat). Outcomes of this internship will directly support land management and stewardship efforts for Jasper Ridge, and interns may have the opportunity to continue involvement in this long-term research. The successful interns will learn to work increasingly independently through the summer and will complete the internship with experience working at a biological preserve, an understanding of how research, education and education are linked together, and involvement in climate change projects with an up-to-date working knowledge of wildfire resiliency issues for the region.