CAL FIRE and Woodside Fire Collaborate to Reduce Wildfire Risk at Jasper Ridge

Those of you driving into Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve over the last couple of weeks undoubtedly noticed all the brush-cutting activity that took place on our Sand Hill Road border and along the main road leading to the Sun Field Station. This was part of our ongoing program to reduce fire risk while still maintaining the ecological integrity for which the preserve is known. Crews from CAL FIRE and Woodside Fire provided the equipment and did most of the work, which included cutting and chipping brush and other ladder fuels, simultaneously improving visibility, safety, and aesthetics along the road.
The recent work was a continuation of a project the two fire agencies started along Sand Hill Road prior to last year’s disastrous fire season. Work on that project halted when the crews were sent to fight wildfires that began cropping up in the spring and continued to result in California’s most destructive wildfire year on record.
Risks from wildfire have increased throughout California in recent years, and Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve’s risk management effort continues to expand through new technology. In addition to reducing ladder fuels in critical areas and working with emergency responders to ensure access in the event of emergency, last year we also set up two fire-lookout video cameras (webcams) for real-time, online monitoring of some remote parts of the preserve.
We continue to work with a variety of agencies to do what we can to guard against wildfire through cooperatives such as Fire Safe San Mateo County. For those of you who are wondering what you can do to help, some useful suggestions can be found here.