The Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Annual Report for 2020-21: Changes Underway

We are pleased to sum up what has been a very exciting “hybrid” year at Jasper Ridge in our Annual Report. “Hybrid," of course, means that while the pandemic continued to demand we expand our virtual offerings, we were also delighted to welcome researchers, students, and our broader community back on site under COVID-safe guidelines.
As usual, we are distributing the Annual Report electronically to save trees and reduce fossil fuel emissions. You can download it here. But for those of you who want a hard copy as well, please contact Dorian Golan (, 650-851-6813) and provide your mailing information and we will be happy to send you one.
We hope you enjoy reading about what we’ve been up to at Jasper Ridge this past year. As we continue to adjust to our changing world—which you will read about in the Annual Report—we look forward to interacting with and learning from you all. And, as always, thank you all for your participation and feedback through the year, and going into the future!
-The Jasper Ridge Staff