JRBP’S 2016-2017 Annual Report

This year our Annual Report (available to view or download) has a sneak preview of something special: the cover features a portion of the newly commissioned Jasper Ridge Tree of Life, which places representatives of our thousands of species on their respective branches in a beautifully rendered evolutionary tree—one of Jasper Ridge’s oaks, of course. Inside, you’ll find a by-the-numbers summary of our many activities and species. Did you know, for example, that we have at least 283 species of vertebrates, 806 vascular plants, 207 fungi, 41 culverts, 4.7 miles of fences, and that we cooperate with 50 land-stewardship organizations? Those are just a few of the many factoids you’ll glean from this year’s report, as well as seeing some spectacular photos by our staff and community members. We hope you enjoy this summary of our year, and please feel free to share on social media!
The Jasper Ridge Tree of Life is being produced exclusively for JRBP by Jennifer Berlinger of Fairhope Graphics. The full tree will be available as a 24˝x 36˝ poster, which should be ready for shipping in January. Please e-mail us through the Contact Us form to indicate your interest in purchasing a copy of the poster and we will contact you when it is ready to ship.