A Year with the Urban Gray Fox

A Year with the Urban Gray Fox
Bill Leikam
Thirteen years ago, Bill began an ethological study, documenting, photographing and researching the behavior of the urban gray fox.
This engaging program will begin with an overview of the gray fox then follow them on their adventure from the time that they pair up – the romantic period – before they have their litter. Bill will tell personal stories about these foxes as he follows them over the course of a year. Once the pair's female "dens-up", a new relationship between she and her mate begins, especially once the pups are born. We will see the pups as they learn how to be a gray fox, following them through their development illustrated with both exclusive video taken by his motion sensitive trail cameras and photographs that Bill has taken in the field. Our remarkable journey will conclude when the pups are indistinguishable from their parents and they are ready to disperse to continue their cycle of life