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Make a Donation Online to support Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma

Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma) has a strong 50-year track record of environmental research and education. The beautiful landscape of the preserve is now undergoing changes of an unprecedented scale, with fire fuel reduction efforts recently initiated and dam and watershed modification projects soon to begin and continue over the next few decades. This will be a period of major transformation, which can be a source of extreme anxiety. However, it also brings unique opportunities for innovative research and education on environmental stewardship. Initial steps are being taken on this new frontier, guided by both Western and Indigenous science, the approach known as two-eyed seeing. However, given the sheer scale of landscape changes to come, philanthropic support would help greatly to advance Jasper Ridge toward a future where faculty and students continue to learn and make discoveries that inspire the world like it always has. 

Your support helps assure that researchers and students continue on a path of discovery for how ecosystems function, how the human endeavor alters those functions, and how we can manage and repair those systems to preserve human well-being and sustain the remarkable biodiversity that is our heritage.

With your help, we can continue to bring scientific research to bear on the great conservation, biodiversity, and environmental challenges of our day. Please consider making a gift to JRBP ('O'O).

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