Jasper Ridge Faculty Advisory Committee
A committee of Stanford faculty and graduate students that provides high-level guidance on strategy and policy.
Tadashi Fuakmi - JRBP Faculty Director, Biology and Earth System Science
Barnabas Daru - Biology
Rodolfo Dirzo - Biology and Earth System Science
Jeff Dukes - Carnegie Institution for Science and Biology
David Freyberg - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Nicole M. Ardoin - Social Science
Erin Mordecai - Biology
Deborah Sivas - Law
Paula Welander - Earth System Science
Lydia Villa - Graduate Student Representative, Biology
Carson Smith - Graduate Student Representative, Law
Jorge Ramos - JRBP Executive Director (ex-officio)
Adriana Hernandez - Associate Director for Research (ex-officio)
Jasper Ridge Coordinating Council
The JRCC is composed of individuals from Stanford and non-Stanford organizations representing the broad range of groups the preserve interacts with and provides advice and guidance to the executive director on significant management challenges facing the preserve.
Jessica Shors Appel - San Francisco Water Department
Shweta Bhatnagar - Office of Government Affairs
Rick DeBenedetti - Woodside Trail Club
Dennis DeBroeck - Peninsula Open Space Trust, Board Chair; PIE Ranch, Board member, Retired Senior Corporate Partner, Fenwick & West LLP
Kim Giuliacci - Woodside Fire Protection District
Mary Ellen Hannibal - Citizen science, nature writer
Jerry Hearn - Grassroots Ecology and Jasper Ridge docent
Laura Jones - Stanford LBRE Archaeology
Kelly Kline - Associate Vice President, Local Government Affairs
Alan Launer - Stanford LBRE, Conservation Program
Jackie Magno - Stanford University, DCI Program & Jasper Ridge neighbor
Betsy Morgenthaler - Jasper Ridge docent
Trish Mulvey - Palo Alto Community Volunteer
Helen Nuckolls - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Diane Renshaw - Jasper Ridge docent
Heyward Robinson - Vice President, Oakbio Products, former mayor of Menlo Park and former Chairman, San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority
Jeanne Sedwick - Neighbor and Jasper Ridge docent
Anne Shulock - Assistant Vice President for the Arts, Stanford University
David Smernoff - Grassroots Ecology
Lynn Stegner - Stanford Continuing Studies Program, author, editor, and literary consultant
Karine Tokatlian - Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
Susan Witebsky - SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Eric Wright - Senior University Counsel, Stanford University
Jonathan Young - Presidio Trust
Tom Zigterman - Stanford University Water Resources & Civil Infrastructure
Jorge Ramos - JRBP Executive Director (ex-officio)
Adriana Hernandez - Associate Director for Research (ex-officio)
Tad Fukami - JRBP Faculty Director (ex-officio)