Oakmead Herbarium: Under-documented reports and erroneous inclusions
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Table 1. Under-documented reports
These mostly unvouchered plants reported over the past century for the Jasper Ridge area are not generally included on the Jasper Ridge plant list. They include historical records and some recent garden escapes and waifs not expected to naturalize or whose status is as yet unknown. Springer 1935 and Moeur 1947 surveys lack vouchers; some entries are questionable. Furthermore, Moeur appears largely derivative of Springer. Porter 1962 & 1971 supplement is based on vouchered plants. Dengler's 1975 and 1984 lists comprising 600+ reports are supported by 115 sheets of >100 species; additional species are mentioned in his field notebooks. A few plants with vouchers could not be determined to species by staff; in some cases expert determination has been requested, often in vain.
- Apiastrum angustifolium — Dengler 1975; not reported by any other worker, no voucher. A single 1903 county record in CCH by Elmer "Crystal Springs Lake". See note
- Perideridia gairdneri ssp. gairdneri — Moeur 1947. See note
- Amaranthus blitoides — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Agoseris heterophylla var. cryptopleura — eFlora DOC Ligule 10–15 mm, much exceeding involucre (vs. var. heterophylla)
- Anaphalils margaritacea — Springer 1935 and Moeur 1947; not reported since. Probably Pseudognaphalium californicum
- Arctium lappa — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Baccharis pilularis subsp. pilularis; uncertain ID; may reflect habitat
- Crepis bursifolia — Perennial, base of plant swollen and ± woody; taproot stout. Macklin 1988; not reported since. CCH records for Stanford Campus
- Lasthenia glaberrima — Dengler 1975; not reported since, but reliable records for Coal Mine Ridge in the Corte Madera Creek watershed.
- Packera breweri (Senecio b.) — Moeur 1947; not reported since. Documented from Hidden Villa in chaparral
- Cryptanthla leiocarpa — Springer 1935 “the more open places in chaparral”
- Pectocarya penicillata — Dengler [Notebook] 4/21/1963: “No Pectocarya penicillata-- could be found W. of Mimulus gully in chap. as last year (Rare)”
- Phacelia californica — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Phacelia malvifolia — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Lepdidium campestre — poor specimen, inconclusive
- Sinapis arvensis — Moeur 1947; not reported since
- Turritis glabra (Arabis glabra var. g.) — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Lonicera interrupta — Macklin 1988. Perhaps the same cream-flowered bush on Trail 2 extension SE of the brick cistern now referred to L. hispdula
- Chenopodium album LAMB'S QUARTERS — REP— Dengler 1975; Corelli 2004 (photo). Likely not naturalized on Preserve and possible misidentification (resembles Chenopodium berlandieri)
- Chenopodium murale — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Dysphania botrys (Chenopodium b.) — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Dudleya cymosa: see listed on Table 2. Erroneous Inclusions
- Dryopteris expansa — 1930, 2019 ID uncertain; confirmation from Alan Smith solicited
- Euphorbia crenulata — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Acacia baileyana — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Lathyrus tingitanus — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus X L. nanus — Dengler [Notebook] 4/14/63. See note
- Trifolium wormskioldii — Moeur 1947; not reported since
- Vicia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana — Porter 1962; not reported since
- Mentha arvensis — Springer 1935 “frequent in moist places”; Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Prunella vulgaris var. vulgaris — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Lythrum californicum — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Malva parviflora — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Occasionally reported, no specimen — lacking a voucher presumed misidentification of Claytonia parvifolia
- Ligustrum ovalifolium — Dengler 1975; not reported since. May be same plant we call L. vulgare
- Epilobium campestre (E. pygmaeum) — Seed hair-tuft 0. Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Epilobium ciliatuml ssp. watsonii — Dengler 1975.
- Ludwigia palustris — John Thomas 1979, Aquatic Plants Notes "John Thomas suggests the following as a very rough list of plants to be found in Searsville Lake"
- Castilleja attenuata X Castilleja exserta ssp. exserta — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Castilleja exserta X Castilleja rubicundula ssp. lithospermoides — Dengler 1975; not reported since, hybrid not mentioned in TJM2
- Castilleja latifolia — Katharine Brandegee 1890 Searsville, UC187825Notes: match for material from the vicinity of Monterey Bay. . .Searsville is a doubtful local"-RCB, 1953. RCB : most likely Rupert Charles Barneby, who always annotated using his initials and made notes on the sheets in pencil in the 1950 (and did not use annotation labels). He was in the Monterey area in the early 1950's collecting. (Jason Alexander)
- Castilleja subinclusa ssp. franciscana — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Triphysaria versicolor ssp. versicolor — Springer 1935 and Moeur 1947; not reported since
- Oxalis articulata ssp. rubra (O. rubra) — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Collinsia franciscana (syn. Collinsia multicolor) — Dengler 1963; not reported since. Mididentification of Collinsia sparsiflora?
- Leptosiphon ambiguous (Linanthus a.) — Moeur 1947; not reported since. Likely misidentification of Leptosiphon parviflorus
- Rumex fueginus (R. maritimus) — Dengler 8/18/1963: “R. fueginus -- green, full achenes by laurel nearest C.M.Cr. near So corner of line - to 40" tangled in other growth. Inner parianth segments almost fringe”. Not reported since
- Rumex transitorius (R. salicifolius var. transitorius) — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Ceanothus thyrsiflorus — Dengler 1975; Dengler 1984 "Correction--deleted"
- Poterium sanguisorba — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Galium trifidum ssp. columbianum (G. t. var. pacificum) — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Buddleja davidii — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Limosella aquatic — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Solanum nigrum — Moeur 1947 “Rare, one plant in dry bed of SF Creek”
- Plectritis congesta — Corolla 4–9.5 mm, pale to dark pink; spur tip generally enlarged; spur generally < 1/2 corolla tube length; fls fragrant. Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Allium serra — Springer 1935: “Infrequent in May in an openly wooded strip of serpentine”; D. Porter 1962: “serpentine soil of meadow and adjacent slopes.” Not reported since. Probably plants now called Allium peninsulare var. franciscanum
- Lemna gibba — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Bolboschoenus robustus (Scirpus r.) — Dengler 8/26/1981 “SF Cr bed at Dennis Martin Settlement site”; not reported since
- Carex senta — Dengler 1975; not reported since. CCH record for SF Cr. watershed
- Cyperus esculentus — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Eleocharis acicularis var. acicularis — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Elodea canadensis — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Iris macrosiphon — Springer 1935, "April 1934 at edge of road through chaparral above lake"; not reported since
- Clintonia andrewsiana —
- Prosartes smithii (Disporum s.) —
- Phalaris minor — Dengler 1975; not reported since
- Muilla maritima — R. Porter no date or location; J. Funk 2011 in serpentine prairie (JRBP Brown Bag video 5/1/12). Probably Triteleia hyacinthina
- Zannichellia palustris — 1979 mention by John Thomas as possibly to be found in lake in Aquatic Plant Notes
Table 2. Redeterminations and erroneous inclusions
- Asteraceae— Agoseris heterophylla var. cryptopleura (A. h.) MOUNTAIN DANDELION, Flickr Ligule 10–15 mm, much exceeding involucre (vs. var. heterophylla). Probably misidentification
- Corethrogyne filaginifolia — JROH1032, 1033 current ID Lessingia hololeuca.
- Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus TO Erigeron foliosus var. franciscensis, SAN FRANCISCO LEAFY FLEABANEa — SPEC
- Lessingia tenuis/L. pectinata — Many individuals do not satisfactorily fit current species circumscriptions in phenology and morpology. See note below.
- Betula occidentalis— UCSB040064 Mystery (incorrect location?) "Common in shade of woodland" 1963-04-14
- Cryptantha clevelandii var. florosa — COASTAL CRYPTANTHA: Three sheets redetermined to C. torreyana pumila following communication with Michael Simpson; material also sent to Ron Kelley
- Cryptantha muricata — Current ID C. micromeres; collected on Westridge outside the Preserve in Wiliam Cooper's research plots. Documented elsewhere in the Santa Cruz Mtns in Santa Clara Co.
- Barbarea vulgaris — JROH1447 current ID B. orthoceras.
- Descurainia sophia — JROH1506 collected on University lands outside JRBP.
- Polycarpon depressum — JROH1710 current ID P. tetraphyllum var. t.; poor specimen.
- Calystegia occidentalis ssp. o. — JROH1839, 1840, 1841 current ID Calystegia purpurata ssp. purpurata.
- Cuscuta occidentalis — current ID Cuscuta campestris
- Dudleya cymosa — Dengler 1975; confused with Sedum spathulifolium growing on Whiskey Hill Sandstone outcrops.
- Arctostaphylos crustacea ssp. crinita — JROH1923, 1924, 1925, 1926 current ID A. c. ssp. crustacea (uncertain)
- Arctostaphylos tomentosa (Pursh) Abrams — JROH1922
annotated by Alice Eastwood as Arctostaphylos canescens Eastwood
- Acacia decurrens — JROH1980 current ID A. dealbata.
- Genista maderensis — JROH2006, 2007, 2008 current ID Genista monspessulana.
- Trifolium arvense redetermined to T. angustifolium
- Quercus wislizeni var. wislizeni — JROH2527, 2528 current ID Q. wislizeni var. frutescens. See note below.
- Centaurium davyi — Many vouchers current ID Zeltnera muehlenbergii; these sheets require further review
- Centaurium tenuiflorum — JROH2579 current ID Zeltnera muehlenbergii
- Najas guadalupensis ssp. guadalupensis — COMMON WATER-NYMPH — Grundmann 3/92 "we never found"; 1958 specimen from Felt Lake. Removed from main list
- Malacothamnus arcuatus (M. fasciculatus) — CHAPARRAL MALLOW — Springer 1935 Sphaeralcea arcuata “infrequent.” (Keir Morse, Thesis, Systematics and Conservation of the Genus Malacothamnus, 2022)
- Orthocarpus purpurascens — Vouchers current ID Castilleja densiflora ssp. d. See note C. exerta
- Orobanche grayana ssp. jepsonii — JROH3086 current ID O. vallicola per Alison Colwell. See note below
- Gilia achilleifolia ssp. a. — current ID G. achilleifolia ssp. multicaulis.
- Leptosiphon latisectus / Leptosiphon parviflorus — 1903 Linanthus parviflorus collection annotated by Doug Shemske. Leptosiphon latisectus is a North Bay taxon. To do: Review relevant JROH and CAS San Mateo specimens.
- Ceanothus cuneatus var. ramulosus Greene — Ceanothus cuneatus var. cuneataus. Fls white.
- Amelanchier pallida Greene — RSA 18297 > currently Amelanchier utahensis (nomenclature change)
- Galium nuttallii — Earlier reports of G. nuttalli (Dudley, [1893-1910], JH Thomas, 1961) for Jasper Ridge are now considered G. porrigens var. p. Species name published in Madroño 22, 1974, includes the former G. nuttallii ssp. ovalifolium (Demp.) Demp. & Steb., and G. nuttallii ssp. tenue (Demp.) Demp. & Steb.
- Urtica urens — JROH4227 current ID Hesperocnide tenella.
- Parthencissus inserta — current ID P. quinquefolia
- Allium dichlamydeum — current ID A. peninsulare var. franciscanum. See note.
- Bolboschoenus robustus — JROH4421 current ID B. maritimus.
- Juncus mexicanus — JROH4475 current ID J. patens
- Juncus multiflora — US3584549 (image available) Jepson eFlora and FNA do not include in the California flora
- Calochortus venustus — current ID Calochortus argillosus.
- Bromus catharticus var. elatus — Vouchers annotated Bromus catharticus catharticus JROH4906, 4907
- Bromus pseudolaevipes— Vouchers annotated B. carinatus(CCH records for SMCo. & SCCo.)
Hoover (1970) SLO Flora, p 55-57: B. pseudolaevipes Wagnon. To the extent that this name represents a distinguishable group of plants, it seems to belong more to the semiarid interior than do its close relatives. One collection agrees well with Wagnon's original description and is cited by him: Pilitas Creek district, on shaded slope under oaks (7197). Other available material seems to correspond as closely to descriptions of B. laevipes, B. grandis, or B. frondosus as to typical B. pseudolaevipes. To this species may belong a coastal collection which seems identical with B. laevipes except that it has a very short ligule: See Canyon, San Luis Range (8861). The short ligule, whatever may be its theoretical taxonomic importance, does not seem (in San Luis Obispo County, at least) to mark a group of plants which is morphologically coherent otherwise, or which grows in a separate area from long-liguled plants or in a different environment.
- Bromus marginatus Nees. — Single voucher annotated Bromus sitchensis carinatus [syn. B. carinatus carinatus] with some lemma awns sorter than 7 mm long and some longer. Plants with shorter lemma awns than typical are infrequent. In any case this plant has most awns >= (6)7 mm. Shorter-awned individuals are found growing with "typical" B. sitchensis carinatus (that has both longer lemma awn (6)8--15 mm [Jep eFlora] and lower panicle branches spreading-ascending to widely open). Bromus marginatus (Bromus carinatus marginatus, Bromus sitchensis marinatus) is a plant of interior mountain ranges as characterized in Flora of North America online. (1) When reported in central western California flora authors describe a perennial brome bunchgrass, compared with the plants referred to B. carinatus carinatus, having more congested inflorescences with short appressed panicle branches and awns often less than 7 mm. in length. We have chosen to follow Hoover (2 below): "Because of the confusion which surrounds the application of the name B. marginatus, I excluded it from our flora."
Notes for Bromus marginatus
(1) Discussion: Bromus carinatus var. marginatus (Nees) Barkworth & Anderton is primarily an inland species and grows on open slopes, grass balds, shrublands, meadows, and open forests, in montane and subalpine zones. It grows from British Columbia to Saskatchewan, south throughout the western United States, and also extends into northern Mexico. Its elevational range is 350-2200 m in the northern part of its distribution, and 1500-3300 m in the south. Bromus carinatus var. marginatus is variable and intergrades with B. carinatus var. carinatus to the west, B. aleutensis to the north, and B. polyanthus to the southeast. As treated here [FNA online], B. carinatus var. marginatus includes B. luzonensis J. Presl [correct name for B. breviaristatus Buckl.], which has been recognized mainly on the basis of its canescent sheaths and blades [listed by Thomas (1961) and Hoover (1970) for the central coast region as B. breviaristatus Buckl.]; this trait is highly variable and may be environmentally determined. Although the name Bromus carinatus var. marginatus was attributed to Hitchcock by Scoggan, there is no evidence that either A.S. or C.L. Hitchcock actually made the combination. (FNA online 1/2024)
(2) Hoover (1970) SLO Flora, p. 57 (note for B. carinatus): "I have been unable to detect B. marginatus Nees as a distinguishabale entity [from B. carinatus] in this area, unless indeed it and B. breviaristatus* are the same . . . Because of the confusion which surrounds the application of the name B. marginatus, I excluded it from our flora". * B. breviaristatus Buckl. Occasional, sometimes locally plentiful, in open woods or in open north slopes. The species is defined on the basis of its densely white-hairy leaves and short appressed panicle branches. The name B. marginatus Nees has been used by some botanists for the species here called B. breviaristatus, and by others for plants which differ in no evident way from B. carinatus."
(3) JT Howell (1958) SF Flora: Bromus marginatus Nees von Esenbeck. Shallow soil on sunny slopes: Presidio, Bubtzoff 3377 ; Bernal Heights, Baven 389; on serpentine. Hunters Point, Howell 33300 (culms sprawling, sometimes nearly prostrate), 33301 (culms strictly erect), 33333; north of Bayview Hills, Howell 31343, Raven 6653; Bayview Hills, Howell in 1957, 31493,31517. When compared with the plants referred to B. carinatus, these collections have more congested inflorescences and awns often less than 7 mm. in length. They do not, however, seem identical with the plants of the western mountains usually referred to B. marginatus, and a thorough study of the entire complex will be necessary before the specific lines are properly understood.
- Calamagrostis koelerioides — Voucher annotated C. rubescens JROH4972
- Eragrostis diffusa — Voucher annotated E. pectinacea JROH5140
- Eragrostis pilosa var. pilosa — Voucher annotated E. pectinacea JROH5143
- Festuca occidentalis — JROH5715; See note.
- Festuca pratensis — Vouchers annotated F. arundinacea.
- Hordeum depressum — Voucher annotated Hordeum Brachyantherum californicum by Leroy Gross, 12/2022 RSA0201477
- Hordeum jubatum — Voucher annotated Elymus multisetus JROH5121
- Melica geyeri — Voucher annotated Poa secunda secunda JROH5424
- Poa unilateralis — Voucher annotated Koeleria macrantha JROH5267
- Brodiaea coronaria — See note.
- Muilla maritima — See note.
Allium peninsulare var. franciscanum: reports of Allium Serra in 1935 and 1962 also likely A. p. var. f.
Apiastrum angustifolium: Dengler [Notebook] 10/27/1962 “SF Cr — beach 100' below falls cut by small rivulet last year. Growing in this shallow running water”; not reported since
Brodiaea coronaria and Brodiaea coronaria var. macropoda (Torr.) Hoover have been misapplied locally to B. terrestris ssp. terrestris: JROH5969 (Dengler 1971), and also UCSB17659 (Schulte 1963), SEINET3884838 (Harper 1984), SJSU658 (Jacobs 1941). The Jepson eFlora (9/21//2016) defines the bioregional distribution of Brodiaea coronaria var. coronaria as Cascade Range Foothills, northern Sierra Nevada Foothills, and Sacramento Valley.
Castilleja exserta ssp. exserta is included on the plant list but lacks a voucher. Constructing a plausible just-so story explaining evIDence for it is problematic. Springer 1935 states “Abundant in April and May, often found with Orthocarpus densiflorus”; Dengler includes it on his 1975 plant list without comment along with the purported hybrid Castilleja exserta X Castilleja attenuata. One does occasionally find hybrid mini-swarms of Castilleja densiflora ssp. densiflora X Castilleja attenuata JROH5780, 4/26/2016). Specimen JROH3983, 4/3/1983, has Orthocarpus purpurascens on the original label but the sheet has been annotated Castilleja densiflora ssp. densiflora , a determination with which we agree in that the corolla beaks are straight, puberulent; filaments glabrous. The herbarium staff has searched carefully without success for 15 years for
Festuca occidentalis: JROH5715 collected in 1903; not reported since. Specimen location dubious, however, Western fescue currently grows nearby in openings in woodland on the eastern slopes of the Santa Cruz Mountains at slightly higher elevations including along the Razorback RIDge Trail in the upper reaches of the Corte Madera Creek watershed and at mid-elevations in Huddart County Park and the Phleger Addition to GGNRA in the Union Creek drainage.
Lessingia tenuis: Many individuals do not satisfactorily fit current species circumscriptions in phenology and morpology.
- Plants identified as Lessingia germanorum through the 1950s.
- Plants re-determined to Lessingia glandulifera glandulifera in the 1990s post TJM1, including numerous Thomas collections batch annotated in 2017 to L. pectinata tenuipes.
- Three recent collections were identified L. pectinata tenuipes in 2017, identified by the Jepson species author Staci Markos.
- There has been a long record of L. tenuis: CCH2, Calflora; Jeff Greenhouse (2017) "One plant had fewer flowers than pectinata, the phyllaries had purple tips, and the cauline leaves lacked stalked glands, like L. tenuis. I'll have Staci look at it and let you know what she says." Rd E, eFlora couplet 6: cauline leaves generally glandless, phyllary tips ± purple ( Calflora)
Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus X L. nanus: Dengler [Notebook] 4/14/63 “Lupinus nanus x L. densiflorus–upper C.M.F.in bloom on hip of hill above fence particularly 50 ft. up. These L. nanus seem introgressed, but pods must be gathered Leaflets too broad for L. nanus and flowers more verticillate. Pods beginning, but already secund'”
Orobanche determinations problematic for specimens without indication of host; other characters such as corolla color and habitat also routinely lacking.
Quercus wislizeni (var. wislizeni): Our earliest vouchers are identified Quercus wislizeni and precede publication of the name Quercus wislizeni var. frutescens. Ann Lambrecht reported Dengler had referenced in the 1970s a single example of Quercus wislizeni var. wislizeni in Sector 31 east of Rd E and Trail 12, south of Trail 11 in open woodland. However, a Dengler note dated 1993 in his annotated copy of Flora of the Santa Cruz Mountains indicates by that time he consIDered only var. frutescens present on the Preserve.
Perideridia gairdneri ssp. gairdneri : “There's only my memory of Herb taking several of us far off trail to show us this plant. Don't think that's good enough to be considered a second report" (A. Lambrecht). No CCH records for San Mateo Co. east of the Santa Cruz Mtns.
Primula clevelandii X P. hendersonii hybrids have been reported by Herb Dengler in 1959 and 1973 (JROH3384, JROH3386 respectively). Individuals not exactly matching taxa described in different manuals (Munz, Thomas, TJM) have been referred to P. hendersonii following TJM2. Dodecatheon confusion is not unique to our locality.
Zeltnera spp.: Centaurium sheets need additional review.
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