Safe Field Practices and Culture of Respect at JRBP ('O'O)
Safe Field Practices and Culture of Respect at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve ('Ootchamin 'Ooyakma)
Our Mission:To contribute to the understanding of the Earth’s natural systems through research, education, and protection of the preserve’s resources.
Our Vision: To be a leader for innovation in research, education, and communication on natural systems, through providing an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and place-based training ground for effective Earth stewardship by our community and the next generations of global leaders.
Our Pledge: To be a safe and welcoming place for discovery, discussion, and community for people of all cultures and identities.
To continue following these three guiding principles, especially Our Pledge, we ask that our docents complete the following readings and trainings in order to continue being a safe and welcoming place for everyone.
1. Read and learn how to communicate the contents in our Health and Safety Information webpage.
2. Stanford University SHARE/ Title IX Program.
- Attend the in-person winter workshop every two years (next training winter of 2025). Katie has the list of 2023 attendees.
- Familiarize yourself with the Stanford Resources
- Watch the video recording of the JRBP ('O'O) Title IX training (video continues in time point 1:08:00 with information specific to JRBP)
3. Inclusivity and Culture of Respect at JRBP ('O'O)
- Read the Stanford Culture of Respect document.
- Read and apply the knowledge from the publication "Safe fieldwork strategies for at-risk individuals, their supervisors and institutions"
4. Read our Indemnity Waiver for all outside guests, familiarize yourself with its contents.
5. Read our Emergency Information for Docents
-Have your JRBP Emergency Card ready
6. Read our Instructions for Docents Giving Tours