UPDATE: Jasper Ridge Activities Curtailed to Help Prevent Transmission of COVID-19

(Photo courtesy of Jeff Schwegman)
Because of the need to slow the accelerating spread of the COVID-19 virus, until further notice Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve is suspending all visitation except essential research, on-line education, and administrative activities. This is in accordance with with Stanford and San Mateo County protocols as well as advice from health care professionals.
Please note that this means that in addition to the activity cancellations announced a few days ago, this includes suspension of:
- Hiking by docents or others
- Herbarium volunteer work (both outdoors and indoors)
- Bird surveys, bird-watching and photography
- JRBP Continuing Education classes
Other cancellations and protocols previously announced include the following. We are extending these cancellations until further notice.
- In-person classes, both indoors and outdoors.
- Tours
- Lectures (we are working on a way to livestream these or otherwise make them available to our community).
- Group meetings, retreats, etc.
While we know that at face value these sound like extreme measures, we are taking these steps out of concern for both our immediate community (which includes many people in especially at-risk groups) and our extended community (doing our part to enhance social distancing so that the health care system does not get overwhelmed). A good article that explains the benefits of protocols to enhance social distancing can be found here.
Also please note that Stanford University is now advising that all staff who can telecommute do so, which means that there will be limited staff available at the preserve on any given day. Please check with the appropriate staff member if your work requires their presence.
Finally, for those researchers and faculty requiring use of JRBP vehicles (minivans and all on-site vehicles, including electric field vehicles), please note that gloves, hand sanitizer, and paper towels are in the full-size vehicles, and in a box by the keys to the electric vehicles.
- Drivers and passengers: use hand sanitizer on entering the vehicle.
- Drivers: put on disposable gloves before handling the steering wheel. Open van windows at least partially to provide air exchange. Safely remove and dispose of gloves after leaving the vehicle. Wipe down the steering wheel with hand sanitizer when you finish your trip.
Like you, we’re looking forward to things returning to normal at some point, and certainly we will keep you updated as we learn more about this rapidly evolving situation. In general, we will continue to conform to Stanford procedures which are listed here.