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Hobbs, R.J. and Mooney, H.A. (1985) Vegetative regrowth following cutting in the shrub Baccharis pilularis ssp. consaguinea(DC). C.B. Wolf. American Journal of Botany 72: 514-519.

Year Published: 1985

The resprouting ability following cutting of the chaparral shrub Baccharis pilularis ssp. consanguinea (DC) C.B. Wolf was investigated following the felling of individuals of various ages. Numbers of resprouts and resprout biomass were low in 1-year-old shrubs, increased to a maximum in shrubs 3-4 years old, and declined to zero in shrubes >8 years old. Numbers of leaves produced were also lower in 1-year-old shrubs. The results are interpreted on the basis of the internal origin of resprout buds and the increasing extent of the shrub's root system as it matures.

Article Title: 
Vegetative regrowth following cutting in the shrub Baccharis pilularis ssp. consaguinea(DC)
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