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Williams, K.S. (1983) The coevolution of Euphydryas chalcedona butterflies and their larval host plants. III. Oviposition behavior and host plant quality. Oecologia 56: 336-340.

Year Published: 1983

The interactions between the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas chalcedona, and two of its principal host plants, Diplacus aurantiacus and Scrophularia californica , were studied to test the hypothesis that feeding behavior in nature reflects food quality in terms of leaf nitrogen and defensive chemical contents. Larvae preferentially fed on Diplacus leaves containing the highest nitrogen: resin ratio in the field and laboratory. Larvae did not feed selectively among Scrophularia leaves, which show little variation in quality. Seasonal timing of feeding activity and larval development rates were closely related to the availability of any Scrophularia leaves and high-quality Diplacus leaves.

Article Title: 
The coevolution of Euphydryas chalcedona butterflies and their larval host plants. III. Oviposition behavior and host plant quality
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