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Williams, K.S., Lincoln, D.E., and Ehrlich, P.R. (1983) The coevolution of Euphydryas chalcedona butterflies and their larval host plants. II. Maternal and host plant effects on larval growth, development, and food-use efficiency. Oecologica 56: 330-335.

Year Published: 1983

The effects of foodplant species and maternal food type on larval growth, development, and digestive parameters were examined for larvae from an oligophagous colony of Euphydryas chalcedona butterflies. Broods of larvae from areas containing two different foodplants, Diplacus aurantiacus and Scrophularia californica , were divided. One group was fed their native" host and their siblings were fed the other species. Growth and digestion parameters were measured from hatching until larvae entered diapause. The effect of previous feeding experience on host utilization and preference by larvae was more significant than the effect of the presumed maternal-host type. "

Article Title: 
The coevolution of Euphydryas chalcedona butterflies and their larval host plants. II. Maternal and host plant effects on larval growth, development, and food-use efficiency
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