What Makes the Bay Area a Biodiversity Hotspot? with Mary Ellen Hannibal
Mary Ellen Hannibal, Author, 'Citizen Scientist: Searching for Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction'
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
4:30 PM (PST)
ZOOM Meeting (Contact Jorge Ramos jorge.ramos @ stanford.edu for the link)
What Makes the Bay Area a Biodiversity Hotspot?
Mary Ellen Hannibal, Author, 'Citizen Scientist: Searching for Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction'
Mountains rise, continents move, and ocean currents kick up denizens from the deep. Over millions of years, the Bay Area has taken shape. All that motion is still in motion, and the great diversity of life forms we dwell among originate far beyond our ken. In this talk, author and Jasper Ridge community member Mary Ellen Hannibal will talk about “What Makes the Bay Area a Biodiversity Hotspot?” She will discuss California’s official hotspot designation as well as our characterization as the Golden Gate Biosphere Reserve. She will highlight some native species with special stories to tell, emphasizing the interconnectedness of life across time, and the importance of initiatives like the Santa Cruz Mountains Stewardship Network to which Jasper Ridge belongs. Tailored more specifically to Jasper Ridge, this talk expands on Mary Ellen’s recent blog for the Peninsula Open Space.
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