January 24, 2024
With the recent decision to introduce 'Ootchamin 'Ooyakma as the Ohlone translation of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, the preserve looks forward to promoting research efforts that are guided by both Western and Indigenous science, the approach known as two-eyed seeing. When guided by two-eyed seeing, place-based research at Jasper Ridge can strive to inspire others elsewhere since the central tenet... more
December 20, 2023
Jasper Ridge was formally designated by the university as a biological preserve in 1973. To celebrate its 50 th anniversary, a series of events are being held this academic year. The first of these, hosted at the preserve on November 30, 2023, turned out to be quite a memorable day. More than 120 participants enjoyed a light lunch outside in... more
December 13, 2023
Day 1 panelist discussion at the Watershed Restoration Conference. Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Faculty Director Tad Fukami hosted the Watershed Restoration Conference on December 11-12, 2023. This event was organized by the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) and Doerr School of Sustainability as part of a year-long conference series focused on identifying intersections and connections in sustainability between researchers... more
December 8, 2023
Fuel reduction efforts for 2023 have wrapped up at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, and planning for the next phase of work has already begun which will introduce “good fire” back to the landscape at the preserve. The first phase of work was completed over the summer, as summarized in this blog post and explains how this work has been part... more
September 29, 2023
Branches that were later chipped by the fuel reduction consultants after limbing up and thinning treatments that created a shaded fire break inside the perimeter of the preserve along Sand Hill Road. This summer, staff at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve did their part to mitigate wildfire risk by reducing fuel across approximately 80 acres of the preserve. These high-priority areas... more
July 10, 2023
As the busy season and summer temperatures begin here at Jasper Ridge, we are launching an exciting new Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Stewardship Intern Program . Meet our 2023 Stewardship Interns, Kiara Fufunan and Mary Ghebreselassie, two undergraduate students from Stanford University, who will be our first summer stewardship interns (read their biographies below). The two interns will join our... more
December 6, 2022
Right before the 2021 Fall quarter started, I took a Stanford Graduate Summer Institute (SGSI) course called Exploring Planetary Stewardship with Dr. Nicole Ardoin . This week-long course brought together graduate students from various disciplines, touching on a range of topics from sustainability and systems thinking to virtual field trips and Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. I met Eugene here; while... more
December 6, 2022
Earlier this summer, Jasper Ridge hosted a Fire Fuels Ecology workshop with 25 experts in the areas of wildfire modeling, fire emergency response, land-management, risk management, indigenous practice, research, education, policy making, law and ecology. The purpose of the workshop was to review the 2021 Stanford Wildfire Management Plan (2021 SWMP) which identifies areas for fuel reduction across all University... more
December 6, 2022
It is no surprise to me that I have spent this past decade with our Jasper Ridge Continuing Education program. The outdoors has been educating me since my younger days in Carmel, a small community surrounded by open land and sea. Whether it was spending days on end roaming the Carmel River looking for wildlife, hiking the Big Sur Trails,... more
August 5, 2022
In late July, Jasper Ridge docents and other Stanford travelers had the unique experience of camping next to a pride of five lions that meandered through the camp kitchen and settled in for the night just a couple hundred yards from camp. These were African lions in Moremi Game Reserve in Botswana. The trip was the long-awaited “Jasper Ridge in... more