April 22, 2020
This week teaching "at" Jasper Ridge moved forward in the virtual world, with video clips that illustrated points of interest on Jasper Ridge trails for students, as well as research demonstrations. And, as always, a day-by-day fun fact or two for you to mull over. We hope you enjoy these reminders of what we all be returning to once the... more
April 14, 2020
Welcome to Week 4 of Shelter In Place at Jasper Ridge. Life goes on here, though without the usual human presence, and still provides us opportunities to learn about this place we all love. Here are this week's vignette's of Jasper Ridge Virtual Tours. more
April 7, 2020
On week 2 we bring you newts, butterflies, predators ... and more oaks. And we extend hearty thanks to our docent photographers whose photos have made the first three weeks of Virtual Jasper Ridge possible: Alice Cummings, Toni Corelli, Peter Hart, Dan Quinn, Jeff Schwegman, Bob Siegel! more
April 7, 2020
As we settle into Week 3 of shelter in place, bright spots at Jasper Ridge include the announcement that docent Casey Mullins has been honored with Stanford Earth's Julie Kennedy Public Service Scholars Award, the knowledge that up on the serpentine wildflowers are heralding the onset of spring, and that bobcats and all our wildlife are enjoying the respite from... more
April 6, 2020
As we all began to shelter in place on March 17, Jorge Ramos began tweeting day-by-day about nature going about its business at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve. If you are already on Twitter, you can find his daily posts at @stanfordjrbp . If you're not, we'll be bringing you weekly summaries here! For all of us at JRBP, these virtual... more
January 21, 2020
Wood density (the mass per unit volume of wood) is associated with mechanical support, carbon and nutrient storage, drought tolerance, pathogen defense, and water transport in trees and shrubs. Models of carbon stocks often rely on wood density estimates. Although understanding wood density variation can better inform studies of tree evolution and carbon models, ambiguity exists as to what factors... more
January 15, 2020
Kevin Leempoel, Trevor Hebert, Elizabeth A. Hadly Note: Dr. Kevin Leempoel will be presenting his latest research during our Jasper Ridge Evening Lecture series on Tuesday, March 17 at 4 PM. In conservation, faunal diversity surveys are essential to document eventual changes in diversity and abundance over time. They are, however, time-consuming, expensive, and usually detect a limited number of... more
December 2, 2019
We’re Jen and Hilary Bayer, 20-year-old twins from Palo Alto. For as long as we can remember, we’ve been exploring nature. Several times during childhood we visited Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve with Stanford student friends of our family who were docents. Since then we’ve aspired to learn more about, and contribute to work being done at the preserve. Throughout our... more
October 28, 2019
The Anthropocene has arrived, and at Jasper Ridge, we have been using a record of the past century archived in Searsville Reservoir to understand what that means. The Anthropocene is being proposed as a new geologic epoch by an international group of investigators, to recognize an emerging body of evidence that humans have changed the planet so dramatically that the... more
September 30, 2019
Ecology is full of scientific names. Escherichia coli, Homo sapiens, Canis lupis . You’ve probably heard of these before. But what about Ixodes pacificus, Dermacentor occidentalis , or Haemaphysalis longicornis ? What are these? And more importantly, who cares? The three species listed above are commonly known as the western black-legged tick, the Pacific Coast tick, and the Asian longhorned... more